



アメリカ、マサチューセッツ州ウッズ・ホールに所在する海洋研究施設の複合体「ウッズホール海洋研究所(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)、略称:WHOI,(読み方:フーイ)」のチームは、野生のホオジロザメをフィルムに収めるためメキシコのバハカリフォルニア州沖にあるグアダルーペ島で特別装備を搭載した「REMUS 'SharkCam」を海中に投入しました。


REMUS SharkCam: The hunter and the hunted



In 2013, WHOI engineers took a specially equipped REMUS sharkCam underwater vehicle to Guadalupe Island off the West Coast of Mexico.

Their goal was to track and film great white sharks in the wild using special acoustic tags that the vehicle could home in on and follow.

REMUS SharkCam was equipped with six cameras: 5 mounted on the nose and one facing the rear of the vehicle.(Forward, Forward-up, Forward-down, Left, Right, rear-facing)

this gave scientists a close-up, panoramic view of great white sharks in the wild.

but the hunter soon became the hunterd.

Some sharks displayed signs of territorial behavior toward REMUS SharkCam.

In what are most likely predatory attacks, sharks take advantage of the clear water to lurk in the darkness below the vehicle, then swim up suddenly and bite it on the tail or mid-sections.

This is the same way sharks hunt seals near Guadalupe Island.
Some sharks displayed signs of territorial behavior toward REMUS SharkCam.

In what are most likely predatory attacks, sharks take advantage of the clear water to lurk in the darkness below the vehicle, then swim up suddenly and bite it on the tail or mid-sections.

This is the same way sharks hunt seals near Guadalupe Island.

in all, REMUS SharkCam recorded dozens of interactions with great white shark and survived several predatory attacks.

Video from REMUS SharkCam is providing scientists with their first close-up view of predatory behavior by sharks in the wild.

It is also helping reveal previously unknown detail about the strategies that sharks use to hunt and interact with their prey.

And showing us the majesty and grace on the ocean’s top predator in its natural environment.

REMUS SharkCam footage by The Oceanographic Systems Lab, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Deck footage courtesy of The Discovery Channel and Big Wave Productions



  • 攻撃的になる色はあるのか
  • 人間と魚の血、どちらの味が好みなのか
  • 助かる方法はあるのか
